Winter Snow

Akb48 Hairstyle

Published 22 Jul 2016 By Gary

View photosYou can change your clothes and accessories daily, but not your hairstyle. Your hairstyle can give away lot of secrets and often is a reflection of your true self. You may be looking...

Hai guys, sekarang gue pingin nunjukin bukti bukti kalau chibi memplagiati SNSD. Langsung aja !! Gak sabar ya ? OK deh, Cekidott !! lihat kostum Chibi !! kostumnya 98% sama dengan kostum yang...

If you dismiss Gangnam Style's popularity as just a freak meme (714 million hits as of this posting), you do so at your own peril. As World Bank President Jim Yong Kim pointed out in a recent...

The logo of the group, because getting a photo of all the girls would be... quite hard.Based on the concept of "idols you can meet", AKB48 is an idol group consisting of, you guessed it, 48...

Today I will introduce my third favorite member of AKB48. My second favorite is Watanabe Mayu, but since Eric already did a write up about her on his blog, I'll refrain from doing a whole...

A group of modelers from RRM (Real Robot Modelers) used 12 HGFC Nobel Gundam to make members of AKB48 girl group based on the "言い訳Maybe" album cover. 12 "girls" all lined up in a row....

Story highlightsAKB48 is Guinness World Records' "largest pop group."More than 300 are running for the election for 16 spots on the upcoming song out in August.More than 3 million votes have...

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